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2021 Design Get Togethers: Locked-in doesn’t mean locked out

As everyone knows, 2020 is continuing into 2021 with most designers working from home. I’m finding myself cut off from my pod of friends and family which is workable. 

How about the work community? My teammates are awesome but we tend to just chat about work tasks. Inspiration and education is missing.

One thing I love is the social network and gathering places which have bloomed into great sharing locations. Picture it as an online cafe where you can stop in and hangout.

If you are in Denver, UX Denver is awesome with a community slack channel.

For events:

Eventbrite has an up to date list.

I highly recommend signing up  for ( free!) Jared Spool UX Center Centre. They have live webinars. If you miss it or can’t attend they email members live recordings.

Here’s to 2021 having a better human experience.